Sunday, July 31, 2005

Happy Summer from San Francisco!

Well, the wood's a bit wet, so it's steaming a wee bit, but it's another lovely summer in San Francisco. In addition to our fire, we also stopped to rescue a book that'd been left in the street. It turns out to have been a 700+ page biography of Che Guevara. I can't just throw out a book, not even the fictive The Genius of Barry Manilowe, so we left it on top of the car for someone to pick up. No-one did, though, so we moved it to another car. We figure that this's called "passing the Che".

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Coding music!

In addition to my normal mindless slavishness to a good andante beat, I've found three really wonderful pieces of coding music: just intrusive enough to register, but quiet enough to stay outta the way.

  1. Collected Songs Where Every Verse is Filled with Grief
  2. Fratres for Eight Cellos
  3. Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten
They're melancholic in nature, just like me, but wow are they great pieces of music too!

Connecting to relatives

A general advice-seeking post:

I have a Grand-dad (Pop) who's a really neat guy. It's galled me for years how I've been so far away from him and haven't been able to be close. Well, we lost Grandma recently, and I'm damned if I'm going to lose contact w/ Pop too, if I can at all help it. My brother in DC recently set him up with web-mail, and I've sent one or two missives to little or no avail. It largely seems like he just minimally responds to the email like checking off a box on a to-do list. I'd like to assume that this's just because to his generation email isn't a native medium like it is to us, especially when it works through the TV-set, which's a horrid interface. Irrespective of that, I feel like I'm totally failing to engage him, even though I'm trying to connect in subject areas personally relevent to him too (aka not talking about the new programming language that's taking up so much of my time). Any advice?

We're closed!

We're closed, yay!

Russ & Anna have heroically offered their precious time to help make things work: keep your fingers crossed they don't regret it! :)

Friday, July 22, 2005

The ultimate get-in, get-out workout

Now that I've gotten the hang of this gym, I've figured out my workout:

  1. sit-up machine: 100 reps (currently just 60 lbs, but I'll get it back)
  2. Romanian dead-lifts: 20 reps @ bar+50 (to increase to 100 reps before moving weight)
  3. Half-squats: 20 reps @ bar+50 (to increase to 100 reps before moving weight up)
  4. 15 mins rowing machine
I figure with a fun workout, I'm more likely to keep at it....

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Closing has begun

Our hopefully soon to be ours fixer upper money pit is close at hand! Yay!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Mein Gott im Himmel!

So I went to the gym for the first time in two or three years today. I weigh 199.5 lbs! Even subtracting a generous half-pound for the towel, that's 199lbs!


I know where I'm gonna be instead of eating lunch, every day for the next millenium, or until I'm back under 165, whichever comes first.

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