Friday, January 20, 2006

Morocco attempting moderate Islam

As owner of the ironic nickname "St. James the Apostate", everyone knows my loving hatred of religion (you can debate whether or not Buddhism is a religion), but since I don't have any really good ideas as to what else can fulfill religion's role in civilized societies (instead of its pernicious role in blood-thirsty ones), it's good to see that folks like King Mohammed VI are trying very hard to keep the proverbial baby instead of the co-proverbial bathwater that the Wahabbists embrace.

Imagine an Islamic state in which:
  • Women don't live in fear.
  • The King calls himself First Among Equals.
  • Democracy & self-determination instead of kleptocracy is the order of things.
Three cheers for King Mohammed! Let's hope for the sake of everyone that this enterprise succeeds.

PS. I'm now putting my links in pictures where available, so when you don't see a link try the image.

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