Monday, September 17, 2007

Cthulhu Fhtagn Cheezburger

From CJ Kucera & his friends at Isometric Forums ....

Mitt Romney is Toast

Just wait until the fundies see this old flyer:

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why I like Obama

Barak Obama just came out and said that if he's elected president, he'll withdraw all our troops out of Iraq by the end of 2008. I rather disagree with this approach: we should either stay til it's fixed or else let them cut each others' throats & be done with it. Not sure which one's right, though.... But I'm digressing.

You'll notice a clamoring lack of predictive declarations being made by the triangulating sons of bitches currently being squeezed from the bowels of our two major factions onto the national stage, except for Obama. He may be wrong on many counts, but he makes straight-up statements; he puts his candidacy on the line with highly quotable and therefore attackable statements.

Compared to the soulless pandering jackasses competing with Obama, I'll gladly vote for someone I can trust to do the wrong thing: it's predicatable & manageable. When you can trust someone to do the wrong thing, you can probably trust his reasons for doing so. Kind of a Ron Paul vote of despair (at the fact that I won't get a chance to vote for Paul): as long as we can't have someone good in office, let's at least have someone we can count on.

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