Tuesday, February 28, 2006

90% of US men over 60 now overweight

As the title link says, if you're over 60 and male, it's almost guaranteed you're overweight. The article goes on further to state that the average body mass index for women is 30 -- which means obese, and that's at all age groups. For men, 65% of folks over 20 years old are overweight (yours truly included) with 30% being obese. With modern health advances, we could lead happy productive lives until 80 on average, but with the weight problem besieging America, it's likely we'll spend our declining years miserable, sweaty and tired, with all the advances that medicine should be making being tied up in research for care of chronic conditions that we could wholly avoid. It's great that we've gotten a civilization in which the common man or woman can be so well fed relative to his or her exertions that obesity is common, but just because we can be so doesn't mean any of us want to be so. With more and more of our exertions being mental in nature rather than physical, what are we as a whole to do? We can try to get more exercise, which's realistic for those of us who enjoy some sort of sport, or who work as dishwashers (now that's exercise!), but for the rest of us, maybe the solution is poorer, less caloric food. We can put out incredibly calorly-laden food for cheap; if you haul sacks for a living, you should eat the double-cheeseburger and enjoy the high calorie to dollar ratio, but for us desk jockeys, perhaps the irony is that we should be paying more for less.

Monday, February 20, 2006

US gov't $25 mln from debt ceiling

WASHINGTON, Feb 17 (Reuters) - The U.S. government has moved to within $25 million of its $8.184 trillion debt ceiling, the Treasury said on Friday, but it expects to stay below the limit for up to another month through stop-gap cash flow measures. The Treasury said its total public debt subject to the statutory debt limit rose $10.03 billion on Thursday to $8,183,975,000,000. Treasury Secretary John Snow, who has urged Congress to raise the debt limit, has said stop-gap measures could keep the government from defaulting on its financial obligations until mid-March. On Thursday, the Treasury said it would dip into a federal pension system fund by curbing daily reinvestments of the fund's assets in order to stay below the debt limit. Each day, the Treasury will retain a sufficient amount of the Government Securities Investment Fund, known as the "G-Fund," to keep below the debt limit, Treasury spokeswoman Brookly McLaughlin said on Friday. She added that once the debt limit is raised, the Treasury will return the funds to the G-Fund and provide reimbursement for any lost interest earnings. The G-Fund, which had $65.27 billion in it as of the end of January, is typically reinvested daily by the Treasury. The Treasury also this week suspended sales of state and local government non-marketable securities, or SLGS, as a means of limiting its cash outflows. SLGS are sold to municipal bond issuers for the reinvestment of bond proceeds. McLaughlin declined to say when the Treasury may take other actions to keep below the debt limit. The Treasury also has said it could tap into the federal government's Exchange Stabilization Fund and the Civil Service Retirement Fund. The government's debt ceiling has been at its present level since November 2004, when Congress lifted it by $800 billion. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassely, an Iowa Republican, said on Tuesday that the Senate might wait until mid-March to raise the debt ceiling.

Just to put this in perspective, with the population of the US at 295,734,134 (last CIA factbook), this means that every man, woman and child in this country owes China, Japan, et. al. $27,673.42! Now, the debt-ceiling could be a short-term cashflow issue, and I'm sure the Dems will jump all over it as an example of Bush's financial mismanagement in order to keep their constituents righteous, but the debt-ceiling issue is small potatos compared to the real issue of the magnitude of the debt. With a median liquid net-worth (aka, home equity not included -- you gotta live somewhere!) of $18,000 or less ($10,000 and $5,000 for blacks and latinos, respectively), can anyone see why I'm so worried about foreign central banks' USD holdings? If China decides to stick it to us or the petrodollar regime collapses (either will do), you'll be seeing US Prime Rates of 15%, the retail sector (and retail-sector employment) imploding due to credit standards tightening like a noose, and the "wealth affect" of all that home equity evaporating as foreclosures of mortgages over the magic "80% of equity" begin.

We won the cold war because we forced Russia to spend as much as we did when Russia didn't have the petrodollar advantage to tamp down the real cost of their money. We must return to pre-Cold War spending habits before the vultures come home to roost, or we're screwed.

In the interim, boys and girls, pay down those mortgages!

Friday, February 17, 2006

China vs. Russia?

If you're a peak oil enthusiast and a geo-politics spectator, then the following article is highly recommended bathroom reading. The basic gyst is that in 30 years or less when oil becomes a crisis, since we've got bases everywhere that protect our oil needs (at current consumption rates), the new uber-user of oil, China, will need to get theirs from somewhere. And there's really only one big producer of oil that we're not defending -- the great bear of the north. And here's where my favorite hobby-horse, the petrodollar overvaluation of USD comes in. In order to succeed, the Chinese dump our currency, thereby putting us in a deep recession or worse just when Russia needs the help (the great irony being that the petrodollar was why we won the cold war in the first place).

Yup, excellent bathroom reading.

(ps. yes, I know the site is run by moonbats -- it's still interesting reading)

Fascinating article on biology

If the folks who've discovered the mimivirus are correct, virii aren't just predators of life, but in fact are the agents and building blocks of everything we call life. This would mean that most of our "junk" DNA are actually harmless viruses! Elegant -- absolutely elegant!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Ultimate War Sim

For those of you who care about such things, here's a pleasant description of The Ultimate War Sim. Great commentary on what's going on nowadays.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ein Stuhl in der Holle

Wo bist du gewesen?
Sag es mir
Ich bin bei der Schwester der Mutter gewesen
Oh weh mir
Was hast du denn dort getan?
Sag es mir
Ich hab gegessen und auch getrunken
Oh weh mir
Was hast du gegessen dort?
Sag es mir
Eine Brühe mit Pfeffer gab es dort
Oh weh mir
Was hast du getrunken?
Sag es mir
Ein Glas voll mit rotem Wein
Oh weh mir
Was haben die Hunde und Katzen gefressen
Sag es mir
Sie haben die Brühe mit Pfeffer gefressen
Oh weh mir
Was ist denn darauf geschehen?
Sag es mir
Sie sind in einer Stunde verreckt
Oh weh mir

Monday, February 13, 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Finally, maybe we'll get a good battery technology after all.

The folks at MIT have figured out how to make "ultra" capacitors (which just sounds to me like "extra-spiffy" capacitors) small enough to be a replacement for chemical batteries. Imagine a battery with a lifetime of a decade or more that has enough zap to start your car. Small enough, with a capacitor's ability to discharge, and you're also talking a practical self-defense tool too. Pulse-discharge bullets, anyone? :o)

Good article on Iran

This article about Iran is dated, but very worthwhile reading. If we could only whack the Basij and the Mullahs....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Sword Impacts and Motions

I don't know anyone in Texas who'll be interested in an article on "Sword Impacts and Motions". Nope, not a soul. :o)

the 'Nuff Said Dept. on the Cartoon War

Monday, February 06, 2006

OMR hits it on the head, again

Chris at One Man's Rage hits the nail on the head once again as to why the muslim world sucks. Kow-towing to these guys is going to turn Europe into a cesspool. Unfortunately, I don't see any Churchills out there who're willing not to lie down and let these guys give 'em the shank. It's enough to make you start to think banning religions could be a good thing.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

XMAS pictures

Someone has been pestering Maddie for copies of my photos from XMas (I won't mention any names). Nota bene: Maddie's no good at nagging! If I had been the pesteree, then I'd have been able to say that I haven't had the budget to get my real photos developed; in the interim, however, here are the better of my snapshots from the little digicam.

Little Lord Fauntlephot

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UPDATE: Apparently, he really like brose & butter, too!

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