Friday, June 30, 2006

Frog Taxi, Eschaton at 11

How NOT to win hearts & minds

Anyone who reads my blog knows my staunch disagreement with Zionism (aka Racism for the Vulture Elite). Well, as part of the whole mess, either:
  1. Some yahoos in the Israeli military decided to take out a family that had been on the beach.
  2. An old mine killed a family at the beach
  3. Someone screwed their indirect fire and accidentally whacked a family
In any case, though, the result has been quite inflammatory. With videos like the following being relatively common, is it any wonder that the Middle East hates the U.S. for supporting Israel? Warning: if dead bodies and young girls crying make you unhappy, don't open the link.

There's debate about what really happened, but with vested interest ranging from thugs like Hamas to Christian fundamentalists trying to bring about the eschaton by getting all the Jews back in Israel, we do know the current situation is untenable. Much though I loathe Israeli policy, their current guy has it right: build a big damn fence and force everyone to retreat to a neutral corner for a while. Otherwise, incidents like this will just continue feeding the various propaganda-mills.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Apparently, Dumbledore is not Dead. Maybe.

For my lovely wife: Dumbledore Is Not Dead.

To Christian Fundamentalist Moonbats

I'm getting really annoyed at the fundamentalist moonbats who think there's a war between Good and Evil going on in the Middle East, with a righteous Christian USA eventually to win. There may be a war of civilizations between the West (founded upon law with various religions) and the Middle-East (founded upon religion plus law), but that's a different story. The particular moonbats I mention have got me frothing at the mouth, so therefore I must rant:

Begin Rant

There are many who seem to believe that the deistic rationalists who founded the United States (Washington, Jefferson, &c) founded the nation on Christian principals. That a group of people so hostile to the clergy in their writings, so devoted to the superiority of "natural philosophy" to religion, could be believed to be have based a nation on religion is a testament to the power of willful ignorance. Some people claim that English common law, begun in roughly 500AD based on Roman Law somehow injects Christianity into our legal system. To directly arguing against such nonsense gives it too much respect, so instead I'll cite the Treaty of Tripoli, signed by George Washington on 11/4/1796 and published to no controversy in the Philadelphia Gazette on 6/17/1797:
As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
We're not based on Christianity, we're based on the rule of law and principal that "tyranny of the masses" shall not prevail over the rights of individuals. If the words of George Washington, Adams, Jefferson, et. al. aren't enough to convince you, then you're a moron -- please proceed to the nearest bridge and perform a swan dive.

End Rant

The ULTIMATE Wal-Mart Apology

(By apology, btw, I mean as in "apologetics", not Clinton-esque "I'm sorry you caught me this time -- I'll do better in the future.")

The boffins over at the Mises Institute have come out swinging in favor of Wal*Mart. I haven't had time to finish the article yet, but so far it's spot on the money. People really hate Wal*Mart the same way many people really hate Amazon: because they've done lots of logistics homework and ironed so much cost out of their operations that they're nearly impossible to compete against. There's a reason K-Mart is dead, Sears is on life-support, and all my bookselling friends have heart-conditions: you can't fight economics, and these companies know it.

But let's face it: they're cheap. Really cheap, in that numbing, soul-less IKEA kind of way that makes you feel like your behavior there has been optimized on a spreadsheet (hint: it has!). If you buy Levi's Jeans at Wal*Mart, you're not buying real Levi's, but cheaper knock-offs that Levi's puts their label on, specifically so Wal*Mart can sell them more cheaply than real Levi's. Snapper won't sell lawn-mowers in Wal*Mart, because Wal*Mart refuses to sell them at a price-point that will let Snapper keep up their quality standard. This has led to a ton of class-based prejudice against Wal*Mart (usually from leftists, ironically enough), whereupon Wal*Mart is seen as the place where cracker hick welfare Moms go for shoddy trash while the more clueful run next door to Target (just as soulless but a higher price-point. My late Mom used to make fun of this prejudice by pronouncing Target in the pseudo-frog "tarjay"). But just like peope get so mis-led watching the difference between the rich and the poor that they don't notice how relatively well off the American "poor" are (ask any of my Chinese or Indian co-workers about poverty in America and they'll burst their spleens laughing at you), it's really easy to miss the real significance of Wally World -- sure, the goods are low quality, but it's better to have a low-quality version of some good than to have to do without.

If you want to see a real-life enactment of Socialist Heaven, look no further than your local Wal*Mart, because Wally World is the social leveller of Carl Marx's wet dreams. The real reason people hate Wally World is, of course, that while Socialist Heaven may look really good to a Nigerian surgeon making $7,500/year (supporting an extended family of 20, on average), those of us who are accostumed to free-market capitalism really hate being treated like proles. And, make no mistake, Wal*Mart treats both customers and employees like proles in a spreadsheet. We don't like soul-less mechanization of our society! We want to treated as uniquely special individuals, not trackable widgets in the Great Machine. Soul-less, dispassionate Wal*Mart is adept at providing those Great Machine heebie-jeebies socialists pine for, complete with an insincere smiley-face to remind you of how happy you are to be there.

For those of us who don't make ends meet on $8.50/hour, there are other options. I, for one, will never buy a cordless drill in a Wal*Mart. But I would buy a crescent wrench or an Excedrine there, and that's the flip-side of such cheap goods. Our manufacturing and shipping technologies have gotten so good that for many items, "cheap" no longer implies "shoddy". Our little Toyota Echo, at a thousand times the expense of a crescent wrench, is shoddy as hell
(and hopefully will be replaced two years from now), but the six-dollar crescent wrench in Wal*Mart, while not up to the standards of a professional garage, will certainly serve me well enough throughout my lifetime.

Not everything in life is supposed to be a Lotus X180 (my dream car). Neither is Wal*Mart.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Apparently, Keanu Reeves Does NOT Suck

I've always rather liked Reeves's acting, and his willingness to work in movies that would seriously strain the dignity of normal hollywood-types (any oxymoron?).

Anyway, you make the call -- I seriously doubt if Reeves is that concerned about it, but Keanu Reeves Does NOT Suck, And [Jay] Can Prove It.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Dirty Little Secret about Tax Cuts

The dirty little secret the liberal types don't want you to know: the reason that the defecit isn't WORSE is thanks to the increased economic activity that lowered tax friction causes. Here's a nice (but slightly out of date) picture:

If only Bush wasn't spending $$ like water....

FairTax Talking Points

Washington, D.C. (June 8, 2006) - Representative John Linder (R-GA) this week before the House Republican Policy Committee, as part of a Tax Reform Panel that also included former U.S. Senator Connie Mack (R-FL) and Representatives Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Phil English (R-PA), and Michael Burgess (R-TX), outlined and answered questions regarding his FairTax proposal, H.R. 25. The FairTax will repeal the current income tax system and replace it with a revenue neutral personal consumption tax.

In prepared testimony, Linder outlined eight key principles he believes Congress must consider when debating any fundamental tax reform proposal. These principles are:

1. Fairness: It must protect the poor and treat everyone else the same. No exemptions – no exclusions – no advantages.

2. Simplicity: It must be easy to understand for all Americans – no matter one’s education, occupation, or station in life.

3. Voluntary: It must not be coercive or intrusive.

4. Transparency: We should all know what the government costs. There must be no “hidden” taxes.

5. Border-Neutral: Our exports must be unburdened by any tax component in the price system, while imports carry the same tax burden at retail as our domestic competition.

6. Industry-Neutral: It must be neutral between businesses and industries.

7. Strengthens Social Security: Fundamental reform must address the long-term solvency of Social Security.

8. Manageable Transition Costs: It must not be costly or difficult to implement.

“I truly believe that the principles I have outlined cannot be compromised. My bill is the only tax bill that ensures all of these qualities are met and allows our booming economy to compete globally,” said Linder.

More . . .


For a nice overview of FairTax, view:

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Left Behind Video Games

In a spate of fiendish cleverness, the fundamentalists have realized that their kids wanna shoot things up on TV screens too, so now there's Left Behind: Eternal Forces. So you too can demolish cities and kill people you don't like, but this time it's in the name of God!

...because as we all know, boys and girls, Jesus said we must judge the wicked and slay the sinners, for revenge is ours!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Democrats want a draft!

You can't make this stuff up!

Microsoft are Arrogant Bastards

Ok, so due to some weird security setting I wasn't able to use an online conferencing tool from work on my home box, so I went ahead and reset "Internet Explorer" settings to their default. Did you know that the "default Internet Explorer Settings" include removing Start Menu links to the Firefox executable, replacing them with Internet Explorer in the pinned section, and just removing them in general in Firefox's own folder so it looks like a bad install?

Luckily, since they only "pretended" to uninstall Firefox, aka make it completely unavailable to a normal end user, I was able to get all my bookmarks back. The arrogance of those bastards is utterly astounding.

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