Monday, March 05, 2007

XKCD smacks it outta the park

James Cameron and the Bones of Jesus

So there's a big brouhaha going on about James Cameron's Discovery-Channel thing-o about the bones of Jesus potentially having been found in an ossuary in Jerusalem. The filmmaker basically took a hypothesis that would be much too politically radioactive to get addressed by the academic community, and put together a docu-drama that will interest enough people that the scientific community will eventually have to address the question, and will be able to investigate it under the aegis of "debunking".

What's really important to note, however, is that even should every ounce of the hypothesis turn out to be true, it in no way invalidates Christianity. Given that the new bodies promised of the resurrection are not the flesh of this world and that nor is the resurrection only promised to those buried recently enough not to have mouldered, there's no reason to conclude that Jesus of Nazareth's actual remains being found implies that either the Resurrection or the Ascension didn't occur.

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