Tuesday, February 28, 2006

90% of US men over 60 now overweight

As the title link says, if you're over 60 and male, it's almost guaranteed you're overweight. The article goes on further to state that the average body mass index for women is 30 -- which means obese, and that's at all age groups. For men, 65% of folks over 20 years old are overweight (yours truly included) with 30% being obese. With modern health advances, we could lead happy productive lives until 80 on average, but with the weight problem besieging America, it's likely we'll spend our declining years miserable, sweaty and tired, with all the advances that medicine should be making being tied up in research for care of chronic conditions that we could wholly avoid. It's great that we've gotten a civilization in which the common man or woman can be so well fed relative to his or her exertions that obesity is common, but just because we can be so doesn't mean any of us want to be so. With more and more of our exertions being mental in nature rather than physical, what are we as a whole to do? We can try to get more exercise, which's realistic for those of us who enjoy some sort of sport, or who work as dishwashers (now that's exercise!), but for the rest of us, maybe the solution is poorer, less caloric food. We can put out incredibly calorly-laden food for cheap; if you haul sacks for a living, you should eat the double-cheeseburger and enjoy the high calorie to dollar ratio, but for us desk jockeys, perhaps the irony is that we should be paying more for less.

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