Saturday, May 15, 2010

A scary pair of charts

I won't insult the intelligence of the three people who read my posts by belaboring the obvious, but suffice to say that the I'm every bit as worried as before, and even more so (not just over these charts, but over the continuing lack of contrary indicators anywhere -- I WANT to be cheered up and shown that I shouldn't be terrified of our economic position, and it just ain't happening).

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Employment Hopeful?

Unfortunately, there's not really any such thing as momentum in markets (which is why momentum-traders need their stops), but this is hopeful:

Monday, May 03, 2010


I've decided that this is Happy Week. Normally I fight my inclination to rave about economic things that are out of my control anyway, and despite the fact that there's a lot of macro to worry about, the fact is that the barrel's already headed over the falls, so we might was well whistle on the way down.

So instead of the normal gloom, I present the following: Rejected newborn red panda adopted by cat. So there.

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