Friday, January 27, 2006

News Flash -- I'm an idiot!

I've completely misunderstood yi quan's three fists. I thought that stamping fist (which I can't find any links to, so maybe the name was mistranslated) was an inertial transfer, but that's totally wrong. Sifu Fung was absolutely right when he kept calling "battering ram method" not part of the way things were supposed to work. I didn't put two & two together at the time, but it's very simple: you can't hit someone via gravity transfer when your inertia is settled ("when your energy is sink" as he would have said) -- it's already at rest, so there's no potential to transfer. Whatever my old "gravity hit" was, it isn't yi quan. Urg, sometimes I feel like such a maroon! I'll take some of that humble pie now thank you.

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