Friday, June 30, 2006

Frog Taxi, Eschaton at 11

How NOT to win hearts & minds

Anyone who reads my blog knows my staunch disagreement with Zionism (aka Racism for the Vulture Elite). Well, as part of the whole mess, either:
  1. Some yahoos in the Israeli military decided to take out a family that had been on the beach.
  2. An old mine killed a family at the beach
  3. Someone screwed their indirect fire and accidentally whacked a family
In any case, though, the result has been quite inflammatory. With videos like the following being relatively common, is it any wonder that the Middle East hates the U.S. for supporting Israel? Warning: if dead bodies and young girls crying make you unhappy, don't open the link.

There's debate about what really happened, but with vested interest ranging from thugs like Hamas to Christian fundamentalists trying to bring about the eschaton by getting all the Jews back in Israel, we do know the current situation is untenable. Much though I loathe Israeli policy, their current guy has it right: build a big damn fence and force everyone to retreat to a neutral corner for a while. Otherwise, incidents like this will just continue feeding the various propaganda-mills.

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