Monday, April 13, 2009


Tonight I got home after an unpleasant commute, had a pleasant supper, then went out and dealt with the rat that had wandered into our garage and met the fate of all small peanut-butter-attracted creatures. Mr. Rat had lived a full life, and had grown to quite a respectable size, but in spite of his lingering moisture, when I came across him he'd lost quite a bit of his former stature; he was just at that sweet spot of putrefacation that smells thick, smokey and almost sweet, and I would have swept him immediately into a sack, but he was defended by MOUSs.

I'd never experienced Maggots of Unusual Size before; the ones I've seen before topped out at about a centimeter, but these guys were the breadth of a quarter, WITH FEET. I haven't seen anything sucking away at a corpse like that since a month ago when the UAW rep from Chrysler was interviewed, it was that disgusting....

According to Maddie, I've now earned my Hubby Points(tm) for the remainder of the year.

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