Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Progress in California

They just had an election yesterday on whether a convoluted scheme to change nothing and instead kick the proverbial can even farther into the future; it failed, hard.

And today they're announcing an 18% pay cut for elected officials.

It's not much, but it's a start. It'll be a long, long time before California will live within its budget, but it's a start.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama versus the Constitution

Eric Holder was interviewed today and explained that they're looking for a new SCOTUS appointee who "understands that the constitution is a living document that [must handle situations the founders never anticipated]". The "living document" buzz-phrase is code for "we only want to honor the constitution where it's convenient, but elsewhere will interpret it as we choose."

The more that this kind of crap is tolerated the less our rule of law is worth.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Concord Juice

Maddie bought me some pure Concord grape juice; not the crappy filler-eque juice used by leftover european grapes, but honest-to-Gort east-coast grapes that just taste purple.

I forsee wine-making experiments....

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