Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Palestine: Game (long) Over

WARNING: unedited rambling rant-ish post ahead....

There was a very sad afternoon for my twin and I when we were kids when we spent a while at one of the more significant crossroads of the Trail of Tears thinking about what our forbears had done to the Native American population. Gaza brings up similar feelings for me -- there're just as many Arabs selling out other Arabs as there were Native Americans doing the same back then, and, just like then, the only rational conclusion for the native population involved is "game over, dude".

Peace talks so far speak of a "two state solution" and not only do not countenance any return of palestinian properties taken (these seizures are mostly known, right down to the street addresses), but also of no right to participate in any meaningful way in the Israeli population -- as the local Jews say "or else we'd be a minority in our own country". This's slightly different than our history here, when, even though our idea of America was a country of, by and for white people, there was plenty of land for everyone. Like the situation with Israel, though, the native population had already occupied the best land, so clearly that had to change. Palestinian Arabs are now squished into cantons, ghettos or reservations (depending on whose rhetoric you favor) that make the idea of a single continuous, autonomous and sovereign state as laughable as the pretext of Native American reservations' sovereignty that the government maintains today (Native Americans on "their" land can barely spit without BIA's approval).

The Native Palestinians are a conquered and defeated people existing solely where the Israelis chose to crowd them, with water rights solely when they don't contravene the interests of the steadily increasing numbers of incoming Zionists. The Fatah and Hamas organizations are flag-wavers on a sinking ship and the other regional Arab states who continue to throw the Palestinians under the proverbial bus so as to distract their own populations from their local tyrannies are well aware of this fact and are perfectly happy to see Palestinians slaughtered 10-to-1 (8.5 years of rocket attacks have killed 28 Jewish Israelis (the Israelis that Israelis care about), making the death toll from the current operation about 10-1 -- thus easily satisfying Blair's Law of Insurrection). Thus there's no hope of other Arab states coming to the Philistines' rescue to overthrow Israel (nor would Western "consciences" countenance an undoing of their solution to Hitler's "solution").

Israelis will never allow the Palestinians to co-habitate with them for fear of losing racial hegemony (the clear game-plan to satisfy "Never Again" being to maintain a country just for them plus just enough defanged second-class Arabs as are needed to clean their commodes), nor can any viable nation be pieced together from disconnected regions whose occupants enjoy no right of travel between them. The big question is: when are the Palestinians going to realize that the game is up, that resistance at this point is utterly futile, and that their only hope is to seek extradition to other countries where they can be taken advantage of in a new Arab version of the Grapes of Wrath?

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