Friday, August 05, 2005

Best Movie Review Ever

Speaking about the new waste of celluloid 'The Dukes of Hazzard', movie reviewer Mick LaSalle of SFGate says (quoted without permission):

There are routine movies and others that blaze a trail. There are routine bad movies and others so horrendous that they redefine bad, that make us look up synonyms for agonizing and abysmal and then gnash our teeth because the language has not kept pace with the decline of film. There are even movies that are so blazingly rotten that they can redefine past experiences and make us look back on recent weak efforts like 'Stealth' or 'Fantastic Four' and think, "Ooh, that was fascinating."

'The Dukes of Hazzard' is hardly some routine bad movie. Rather, it's one of the elite, right up there with 'I Am Curious ... Yellow' (1967) and Bo Derek's 'Ghosts Can't Do It' (1990), in stiff competition for the lamest thing ever put on celluloid. ... The filmmakers couldn't buy a laugh in a burning poppy field. ... Instead of releasing this film in theaters, they should have sent it straight to Guantanamo, at least while it's still legal.


High speed cats in Brunei

Ignore the idiotic setting in which these (what do you call folks from Brunei, Bruneze? Brunettes?) cats show what cats can do, as some of the pictures are really amazing, and the owners of the web-page are obviously pre-pubescent morons.

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