Friday, October 26, 2007

New Burglar in Town

I know a guy who says that criminals are stupid, and that's why they chose to be criminals -- I'm not sure I completely agree with that across all spectra of crime, but surely if you are a burglar, in order not to be seen or heard at 3am, wouldn't you choose to walk in all the fallen leaves and to fiddle with all the jingly things on your keyring? And when you ducked behind a shed when someone flips on the backdoor light, would you leave the tip of your boot hanging outside of the shadowed zone?

After hearing the slide on my .270 racked, at least he was smart enough to bug out in the provided time-frame before Buster, Mr. Mag-light and I did our sweep. Given the rapidity with which the seemingly random pickup-truck blasted out of our neighborhood at 3:30 during said sweep, I assume he'll be looking for greener pastures....

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