Monday, May 22, 2006

The Inner Ring

Available at BigCSLewisFan. This made the rounds thanks to reddit, and since I hadn't seen it before, I wanted to put it up. You can see the parallels to events in Surprised By Joy. Its funny how much "Middle-Aged Moralists" can teach you -- things you already sorta knew, but never fully got your finger on top of.

The Truth About Women

In the spirit of all the fun that gets poked around vis-a-vis male/female relations, I thought I'd cite Myths and Truths, which's a little on the jaded side, but very entertaining in that "been there, done that" kinda way. Even with the broad generalizations (pun intended), my dating life would have been so much happier if I'd have seen this when I was young....

UPDATE: Two women have told me they read this and thought "Yeah, women are just like that! Hey, I'm not like that....!" I'm not saying his statement applies to all women any more than all men like football. But I did marry one of his stereotypes my 1st time around....

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