Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fun, not fun and whew

In the "and now for something completely different" vein, I just wanted to remark on how much great fun it is to whallop a brick outdoor grilling installation with a 16 lb sledge. It'd be doubly fun if I had any muscles so I didn't have to use so much body english, but still, whalloping fun. What's not so fun is dropping a cubic foot of masonry on your foot. Luckily, I was wearing my special mail-order shoes with the steel toes and met-guards, so instead of the furiously throbbing but otherwise normal looking foot I've got now, I might've had something outta The Tom & Jerry Show.

ouch, but yay ouch. (c:

PS. In other news, Maddie made macaroons and the cats are all over them. I know Photon eats stuff like garlic hummus that he's not supposed to like but both cats eating coconut? Weird.

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