Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quiet Lately

Just in case anyone's wondering, I haven't fallen off of the planet; I've just been really busy after the last re-org -- we're drinking from the firehose over here trying to get up to speed on what everything is, how everything works, etc., with a baptism-by-fire "Welcome to the NFL" preliminary task to get us all started....

Will resume more postings when I understand SCA, SOA, SDOs, EJBs and several other TLAs.


Anonymous said...

I didn't even understand the first part, rather than the second... when you get time, could we get some context?

Anonymous said...

I get it...but I never had it quite this bad/busy. It was mostly "okay, what the fsck do we do now? Do they still want us to work on this?"

As for the acronyms, I think I got most of them, but I am curious what the other buzzspeak acronyms are just to see if I can still speak Thieves' english.

JimDesu said...

Well, the capital acryonym of all time is of course "TLA" -- no explaining required there.

Other fun things lately are getting beyond mere buzzword compliance with service-component architecture, web services decription language, business process execution language, enterprise java beans 3.0, etc.


Amanda said...

Heh. thank you for explaining the alphabet soup. I was wondering.
It was funny, tho.

Convivialdingo said...

They're all just cheap imitations of MPI heheh. (Message Passing Interface)

JimDesu said...

Convivial: Nah, they have much more of a cereal mind-set (flakier).


Anonymous said...

Anna's husband wants to know what the hell TLA means...

JimDesu said...

Three Letter Acronym.

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