Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin is Dead

Sigh... Mr. Carlin made even Terry Gros's show worth listening to...

"Why is it you can get on radio and say you pricked your finger, but you can't say you fingered your *bleeped* ? They're the same words...."
It was bad enough Bill Hicks is gone; now with Carlin gone I wonder: is era of social comedians over?


Amanda said...

social comedians will always be around - few of them will ever be as popularly known as George Carlin.
Currently, Steven Lynch and Eddie Izzard both stray into that territory.
Oh, I will miss Carlin.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I loved his stuff even though I was about polar opposite politically in most cases. But he always went after the BS regardless of party which rocked.

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